I am grateful to be able to contribute annually to updating chapter 18 – SALES OF ESTATE PROPERTY of the California Decedent Estate Practice published by the CEB Continuing Education of the Bar – California / University of California (CEB.com).
Tag: Gratitude
Thanksgiving Thoughts and Wishes for You and Yours!
You do not have to believe in G-d. You do not need to be a Jew. Here are the thoughts I want to share on this Thanksgiving with you.
The following is the first prayer observant Jews say each morning when they wake up, before getting out of bed: “I offer thanks to You, living and eternal King, for You have mercifully restored my soul within me. Your faithfulness is great.”
I am grateful to have my soul restored each morning. I am grateful and thankful for yet another day that I awake and that is granted to me.
On this Thanksgiving week, and beyond, I wish for you not to forget gratitude… to appreciate each day and to use that time to do good deeds.
And if you happen to face obstacles in your life (and we all have experienced obstacles), there is this prayer that is repeated MULTIPLE times daily: “And for those who plot evil against me, hasten to annul their counsel and frustrate their design. Let them be as chaff before the wind.”
I am grateful for each and every person that was brought and will one day come into my life. I am also grateful for each person that was removed and will be removed from my life. I wish the same for you!
Wishing you strength during these not so simple yet beautiful times.
Orit Gadish